Re: [Evolution] FAQ Link posted at subscription doesn't work

hi hendrik,

Am Dienstag, den 21.06.2005, 13:02 +0100 schrieb Dr N Hendrik Nahler:
the link below sent with the subscription email doesn't work
<a href="";></a>
stops after a while with a time-out so is also not reachable.

yeah, the mailing list admin (who of the ximian/novell guys is that?)
should change those mails to something more up to date.

I really don't want to bother you with questions which have already been
answered and would like to have a look at the FAQ in advance. Thanks,

you could search the archives of this list, e.g. by googling with
"". or check for bug
reports or feature requests that have been already reported.
(and of course feel free to ask here on the list :-)


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