[Evolution] vfolders slow to update unread message count

Hi all,

[this one isn't a flame starter :]

evo on gentoo; new messages appear in my folders (I have them
sorted by a websieve script on our IMAP server into folders); the folder
they are sorted into shows bold with the new message count in brackets,

Inbox (2)
  Staff (3)

so far so good.  However, I have a vfolder that searches for various
things in all my imap folders.  Previously with evo (whatever the gnome
2.8 version was) almost "as soon as" a message was in the folder, the
vfolder showed the new message too.

But now, the vfolder doesn't show the new message until I click on the
imap folder actually containing the new message.  I waited 45 minutes
over lunch once, and it still didn't show.

This is quite annoying, as I work out of vfolders more than anything
else.  As soon as I click on the IMAP folder, the vfolder unread count
changes to reflect the right value.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Iain Buchanan <iaindb netspace net au>

"Remember kids, if there's a loaded gun in the room, be sure that you're the 
one holding it"
-- Captain Combat

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