Re: [Evolution] why is reply-to not to the list?

On Fri, 2005-06-03 at 13:55 +0930, Iain Buchanan wrote:
On Fri, 2005-06-03 at 10:25 +0800, Not Zed wrote:
Is there a particular reason for this?

Yes there is.  Mailing lists aren't supposed to set reply-to.

If a user has set reply-to it means they specifically want the reply
going to another address than the one they sent it from.

I think there is a better solution.  Perhaps reply-to is ok left the way
the user sets it.

Instead, maybe the list should set the "from" address as being the list,
instead of the OP.

Then, people who set reply-to's will get them to their correct account,
and otherwise, replies will go to the list.

Coupled with this, I think the default evolution action when
encountering a list should be as follows:
"reply" button replies to the "X-BeenThere" or "List-Id" or "List-Post",
whichever is the correct one /regardless/ of reply-to.

"reply to sender" (an extra button when one of the above headers is
encountered) sends either to the OP's "reply-to" address, unless they
haven't specified one, in which case it will send to the OP's "from"

But unless otherwise specified, "reply" for a list, should definitely go
to the list.

So what if you just want to send a private off-list reply?

Thats what reply is for, its reply to sender ...

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