Re: [Evolution] possible bug? evolution crashes when trying sorting messages list

El mar, 22-02-2005 a las 15:53 +0100, Frederic Crozat escribió:
Le mardi 22 février 2005 à 13:38 +0100, christian a écrit :
Hi all, 

I'm new to this list (and a evolution newbie), so i don't know if this
bug have been reported yet...

Evolution crashes when clicking on any list-column button in any folder.
Altough, it doesn't happens when right-click over any button of the bar
and choose the order preference in the context menu.I've not experienced
this problem in previous versions of the Evolution program.

Console show this message after the crash:
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: g_return_if_fail_warning

My Evolution version: 2.0.3

Any idea to avoid this (i know... i've still got the context
menu... ;) )?

Don't try to install cooker (aka unstable) packages on a released

Thanks for your advice Frederic; 
In fact, I'm working over cooker over the 10.1 community mdk distro (kde
3.3.2 -not totally-, kernel; i was not complaining about
stability, 'cause i know cooker is the unstable branch and i'm conscious
taking the risk because i love to see "what's coming next", and i know
mixing parts of stable with unstable sometimes it's like mixing baileys
and coke ;), but i've just trying to say something like "hey, look what
happens when cliking here... did you know?, someone ever noticed?". It
just a question of curiosity, never complaining. Otherwise, i'm not a
coder, just a newbie (nerd-bie? ;) ); if i'm posting in the wrong site,
please  all you should let me know and i will walk away... no problem :)


[OT] Frederic, where can I post a suggestion for urpmi? would it be
possible to get prozilla working with urpmi like --wget or --curl to get
the multipart (or multithread) downloading featured --it would be great
for people with slowlest conections like me--? May you suggest to
download with prozilla from ftp medias directly and install with urpmi
locally? Thank you again.

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