[Evolution] reinstall of evolution using old ~/.evolution data


i had to reinstall my os, and hence evolution. before i did this though,
i copied my ~/.evolution directory to another computer.

the reinstall went fine and i moved the .evolution directory back over,
fired up evolution-2.0 and it prompted me for information for my email
account. it looked like it never saw the .evolution directory. i
canceled the setup and moved my .evolution directory to .evolution.hold
and the went through the setup. then i moved .evolution.hold
to .evolution and started up evolution. it *looked* like everything went
fine, imap settings were all in order, all of my contanct info was
there, etc.

but, filters didnt work, auto completion in the "To:" field of composed
emails didnt work, the dates in my evolution stuff didnt show up under
the calendar in the gnome panel.

how do i rectify this? any advice?

thanks for the hints.

-matt zagrabelny

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