Re: [Evolution] Rerunning Startup Wizard

On Fri, 2005-02-04 at 13:09 -0800, Jeff Trefftzs wrote:
I still haven't mamaged to completely recover my old Evo 1.2 address
book, etc. after a move from RH 9 to FC 3.  I did back everything up,
but it wasn't simply a matter of starting evo in my old home directory,
since I also reformatted my main hard drive, getting rid of a big
windows partition that I never used.  So, after installing FC 3 I went
to start Evo 2.0.2 thinking that it would let me import back my old
settings from wherever I had them backed up.  Oops.  Not so.  

Later correspondence on this list made me think that if I could simply
(a) reinstall the old Evo 1.2 directory hierarchy in my home directory
($HOME/evolution/...) and then restart Evo 2.0.2 things might Just Work
(TM).  But no luck.  I obviously didn't find everything I needed to
remove to make Evolution think this was the first time.

So -- should I back up my mbox files again and simply remove and
reinstall Evo 2.0.2?  Will that take care of all the various places that
have a record of evolution being installed?  And, will that let a new
install of Evo find my old 1.2 hierarchy and automatically import it?

hi jeff,

i'll try to answer this, but be aware to backup everything before doing
this... read it twice. "do not follow the instructions below blindly.
paranoia safes your day." (quoting guenther here :-)

first of all there is a migration faq by guenther at
for your interest.
normally, starting evo2.0 should automatically import all 1.4 data from
~/evolution to the new structure in "~/.evolution".

so run "evolution --force-shutdown" to also shut down the evolution
put your old data into "~/evolution", your new 2.0 data is saved in
since evolution1.4, evolution stores account settings in gconf, namely
in "~/.gconf/apps/evolution". i assume you have already set up your mail
accounts in 2.0. i'd consider to also backup your gconf settings!
*i* would try to set the gconf key "/apps/evolution/version" back to
"1.4" by using gconf-editor, but i am **NOT** sure if this works (and
would be pleased on comments by others, perhaps wait a few days for
comments by other people ;-), since "1.2" would not make sense since it
did not use gconf to store its settings, i think.

at least retrieved mails, added contacts, etc. will be *overwritten* if
you just migrate. make sure you have backups so you are able to
concatenate your latest and overwritten 2.0 data to the old and imported
1.2 data.

hmmm... hope this does not make it even worse,

good luck,

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