Re: [Evolution] re-request

On Fri, 2005-02-04 at 11:58 +0100, Joel Louis Blom wrote:
I hope somebody has seen my request of last Wednesday as I really need
some help to get my Evolution up-to-date, as I don't want to have to use
outlook for the synchronisation of my PDA.

  2 things:
        One: The best way to get the latest evolution is by using Red Carpet.  As you have FC2, you can get it here.  If you're already using Red Carpet, I apologize as I don't have an answer for you.
        Two:  I've not been able to get a successful syn of my Palm Tungsten E on Evo 2.0.1, 2.02., or 2.03 in SuSE 9.2.  Oddly enough it works in Evo 1.4.6 (on Linspire).  I have asked about this problem three or four times now and have never received a response from anyone about it.  So, I think you might just be out of luck on this one.  It's either that or everyone hates me and won't respond to my queries because of that.  ;-)

Good luck


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