Re: [Evolution] Mulitple IDs

On Wed, 2005-12-28 at 17:13 +0100, Andre Klapper wrote:
So it would seem that Evolution is treating each useid as a 
personality for the logged in user.
I wonder could I create some other user IDs, grant privileges to my 
ID and run additonal copies of Evolution pointing to those directories?
Or do I somehow have to have multiple simultaneous logins?
i have no idea what you're aiming at, so i can't answer this. check your
file permissions, i'd say. where should these over copies run?
It looks to me that the OP wants to read different pop/imap/mbox/maildir
accounts, and he is used to doing that by starting eudora x times with
different settings.

Of course this is completely not necessary with evolution, OP should
just make his accounts in the "normal config".

But I could be completely wrong, I must agree, the question was not
ehrm... quite clear.

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