Trans.: Re: [Evolution] Send/Receive suddenly stops working

----- Message transféré de postgate free fr -----
   Date : Sat, 13 Aug 2005 15:33:33 +0200
     De : postgate free fr
Adresse de retour :postgate free fr
  Sujet : Re: [Evolution] Send/Receive suddenly stops working
      À : Michael Davis <michael damaru com>


I had that problem too with an evolution 2.2.2-4 on SARGE. I believe it appeared
after an  installation of GFORGE witch uses a mail client too.
I've no solution for now and send that message in case it could help to localize
the problem.

Thierry CHEN

Selon Michael Davis <michael damaru com>:


I've been using Evolution for about a year with no problems, on Suse
Linux 9.2. Yesterday the Send/Receive button just completely stopped
responding. Mail in my outbox is still sitting there, no mail is coming
in. The dialog box that usually appears when it's sending/receiving does
not come up. I'm writing this from my web browser-based client.

My wife has an account on the same machine, she uses the same Evolution
but does not have this problem. I suspect that something got messed up
in the mail folders or the config. I have not changed any config
settings in months.

Has anyone got a clue why this might be happening?

Michael Davis

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

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