[Evolution] evolution 2.04 not working on fc3

I am using fc3, kernel 2.6.9-1.667smp. i use evolution 2.0.4 to
connect to my exchange server 2003, everything was working perfectly,
until monday , i noticed that when i entered my password, i could not
connect to my mailbox. (i tried connecting using outlook and it

later, I've learned that my mailbox was moved to another exchange
server 2003 with cluster enabled. i have changed my exchange sever
name to the new server but still, it seems that my password is being
rejected. (i remember having the same problem when i was using
evolution 2.02 and when i upgraded to 2.04, it worked, now i don't
know where is the problem)

Removed evolution and reinstalled everything, and still problem perisists.

can anyone help me. thanks.


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