[Evolution] Archiving and Browsing old mail

Hello Everybody,
I am using Evolution2.0.1. on SUSE linux 9.2 distribution.
I am new to Evolution, but I am using it since the start of 2005 and I feel it very comfortable.
I am using several POP connection to store locally my messages

I have my mail folders growing serveral MBytes every day, so ususally I Archive old mail messages, grouped into folders like "SENT2004" , and then I move them to a DVD.
Is it possible in Evolution to archive mail an unregister the folder, and If needed to register the folder contained into the DVD, without copying it back to the PC filesystem?

How can I configure it to do it?

Is there anybody can help me?

Thanks for your assistance

Mario Milani

..No you ain't
what you own..

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