Re: [Evolution] Remove Attachments

hi santiago,

Am Donnerstag, den 30.09.2004, 02:28 -0700 schrieb Santiago Serebrinsky:
I would like to know if there's any way of removing an attachment from
an email, while keeping the text, headers, etc., exactly as in the
original email.

Is this the right place to ask for it?

either this place (to ask for more information), or directly ximian's
bugzilla <> which maintains bugs and wishlist

PS: I searched the web and I found strange pieces of information:

these aren't *soo* strange. :-)

1-, a very old link
from 2001 (and many other bugs DUPLICATED), appears to be not solved.

it's a duplicate of <>.
bug 5927 is the place to go if you want to raise your voice or add
since 5927 is still open and targetted to "contrib", you can be very
sure that no one at ximian will code this (="contrib") but that ximian
is waiting for somebody to code and contribute this (evolution is open
source software, you can get its code from and try it
yourself if you're interested :-).

February/004302.html appears to be related, but doesn't show what is
it exactly about.

it's only about *accelerator keys* in the message *composer* as you can
see if you take a look at the related bug.

February/027149.html, from Feb 2003, is the last in a thread, arguing
why such feature would not be (ever?) supported. I think the reasons
given were not good, with answers as follows:

just another discussion about it on this list.


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