Re: [Evolution] new mail count anywhere in evo 2.0?

On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 10:03 -0400, Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper wrote:
one of the things that I really liked in evo 1.4 was the ability to look
quickly at the section on the left hand side shortcut bar and see how
many new e-mails were in the IMAP boxes that I had drag/dropped there.
As it stands now, I have have to scroll up/down and look at the
individual INBOX's to see if I have any new mail in my several IMAP

Is there a better way to do this or is something being planned to help
with this?  tooltip or something?

In this picture, look under the Send/Receive icon.  Is that what
you are talking about?

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B

"Guiness is good for you"

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