Re: [Evolution] Preset searches

yeah remove all the matching searches in ~/.evolution/mail/searches.xml (i.e. ones you didn't define yourself).

it was changed ages ago to get those from the 'system installed' file instead of saving them locally, and people who ran early versions of 1.5 ended up with them duplicated.

On Wed, 2004-09-22 at 11:07 +1000, Andrew Cowie wrote:

In the search drop down, I've got multiple occurrences of the same
search (ie "Subject contains" shows up twice). See attached screenshot.

I've had this for a while. I first remember it around 1.5.90 or so. It's
probably a transient glitch, but how do I fix it? Manually edit
something in .evolution?


Andrew Frederick Cowie
Operational Dynamics Consulting Pty Ltd

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