Re: [Evolution] folder "mismatch" has me stopped cold Evo. 1.4.6, SuSE 9.1

On Fri, 2004-09-17 at 09:33 -0700, Gerald D. Pine wrote:
When I tried to empty my trash folder this morning I received the
following message indicating a problem with my "sent" folder.

Error while 'Expunging folder':
Error storing `Local folders/Sent': Summary and folder mismatch, even
after a sync

I assume that this message means that the number of messages in the folder
does not match the number that Evo thinks should be there.  I can imagine
several things that could have happened to cause such a mismatch--the most
likely being that I inadvertantly deleted a message from the sent folder
and it didn't get recorded.  
Not an entirely accurate assumption, but close enough.
The real question is how do I recover from this error.  I can't empty my
trash folder at this point because of the error.
Scan the folder file, check for binary garbage, particularly near the start of the file.  And/or remote the '.ev-summary' file for that folder, and re-try.

Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
"born to die, live to work, it's all downhill from here"
Novell's Evolution and Free Software Developer

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