[Evolution] Evolution-2 and Calendar

Dear all,

I'm pretty new to that distribution list, and I would apologize if I'm
talking about a well known problem or a non-problem.

I'm running Evolution-2.0.2 under Fedora Core-3 system (under i383
plateform) and I have some strange behavior around the Calendar area.

- My local calendar.ics file is about 1Mbytes, and when I'm looking to
the evolution calendar is taking a huge amount of cpu to get it!
- Today I tried to do some cleaning by using the Action->Purge function.
After 5 minutes I stopped it since nothing append and the evolution
application was seem to hang.
- Is there anyway to synchronize an Exchange Calendar with a Local one ?
That would be a great feature for mobile user.

Thanks in advance for your hints and help.
Kind regards

Patrick Pichon
HP Technical Solution Group EMEA
International Solution Group 

 Tel: +33 47 614 3088   -  Fax: +33 47 614 1278
 Email: Patrick Pichon hp com   Voicemail: 1386.6143088

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