Re: [Evolution] Signature at the top and close mail

I am using Evolution 1.4 with Exchange server on Fedora Core 2.

New features (like the second one) will not go in into 1.4.x versions.
Evolution 2.0.x is the latest stable release.

I have migrated from windows with outlook. So far i like Evolution a lot
apart from a few minor glitches. One big advantage is its search speed
and better accesibility to the mail stores. (other then it running on
linux of course :-) )

However 2 features of outlook are missing which i think are very easy to

I would not consider this to be a feature. It's a behavior.

a. When replying to a mail, the signature gets inserted at the bottom. I
think there should be an option to have the signature inserted at the
top, so that it will follow immediately after the reply, rather then at
the bottom of the mail. This is particularly important when replying to
a mail sent to a general mailbox such as sales, info or support, since
they want to know who replied to the mail. Having to copy and paste it
again at the top is a nuisance.

If they want to know who replied, that's what From says...

If you ask me, this is a Good Thing (TM). Let me dig a little deeper
into that -- and please, folks, no flame wars... ;)

A signature is intended to give some extra info, a personal note, a joke
or whatever. It is *not* intended to be an automatic "sincerely" line
with your name.

There is a special marker string to start the signature. As the
signature is not a part of your real message, most good mailers drop the
entire signature when replying, using this special marker.

Therefore, when this marker is at the top of the quoted mail, you
effectively can reply to the mail without quoting at all -- cause the
next reply *will* drop all the quoted parts, as your sig is above them.

Apart from that: Top quoting is a very contrary discussed topic. Top
quoting makes it very hard to follow a discussion, as the reply is not
right beneath the quoted text. This has been discussed here several
times and in probably every mailing list and newsgroup on earth --
search a random archive for the pros and cons, if you like.

b. When replying to a mail, an option to have the original mail close
automatically would be good. This saves a an extra few clicks per email.

Please file a feature request at If the UI team
considers this desired behavior, it will be implemented eventually.


char *t="\10pse\0r\0dtu\0  ghno\x4e\xc8\x79\xf4\xab\x51\x8a\x10\xf4\xf4\xc4";
main(){ char h,m=h=*t++,*x=t+2*h,c,i,l=*x,s=0; for (i=0;i<l;i++){ i%8? c<<=1:
(c=*++x); c&128 && (s+=h); if (!(h>>=1)||!t[s+h]){ putchar(t[s]);h=m;s=0; }}}

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