Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.1 download?

What happens if I want Evolution 2.0.2 for Suse 8.2 ???

El mar, 02-11-2004 a las 19:45, James Ogley escribió:
Well, that's not a very complete or helpful answer... but David, I'd
suggest you seek help on a linux or SUSE newbies list.  This is a
high-traffic mailing list specifically for Evolution, and discussing
basic linux skills is off-topic and will annoy people.

Agreed - as a one-off pointer, the SuSE lists can be subscribed to at - you
probably want suse-linux-e

Hint 1: If you're a newbie, don't try Evolution 2.1--it's under
development and unstable, and you probably want something as solid as
possible when you're starting out; so stick with the newest stable
version (2.0.something) you can find for your version of SUSE
(google/ask SUSE people!); Hint 2: google for help installing "RPMs".

You can grab a 2.0.2 install for SuSE 9.1 from the URL in my sig. :)
   Dr. Pascual Muñoz Muñoz     |  Ph.D. Telecommunication. Eng.
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