Re: [Evolution] RE: msg crashes evolution

On Wed, 31 Mar 2004 22:17:58 +0200
guenther <guenther rudersport de> wrote:

The only disturbing difference is the bogus ">" char before the "From"
in the first line.

WTF? Just noticed while double checking, cause I received a response by
Alex. He does not see the ">" char in his source mail...

Displaying the OP attachment inline does *not* show that spurious char
for me either.

However, displaying the OP as source *does* show that char, as well as
saving the attachment *does* show it.

Curious.  What I sent as output from head was from the file that I attached in Evolution.  Here it is again:
[amoore sws602 amoore]$ head -1 crash-evo.msg 
From bharrington atlantech net Wed Mar 31 10:00:02 2004
[amoore sws602 amoore]$ 

And yes, I have clamav scanning outgoing and incoming and at this point, I am not removing the extra headers. 
 I would not think that this would matter to Evolution.


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