Re: [Evolution] To: field dropdown steals focus from compose window

I filed this with Bugzilla on 7 Jul '03 as bug #45931.  Reviewing it now
I see you added your comments to it back then.  If you check this bug
again you'll see there has yet to be any response from anyone at
Ximian.  I've about given up on it and am now, reluctantly, avoiding
address completion as I never know when I'll be forced to switch out to
a tty and kill evolution when this happens.  We must be the only two
Evolution users who are seeing this problem as I can't seem to get any
traction with the developers.


On Mon, 2004-03-22 at 22:42, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
I am running Evolution 1.4.6 here, with gnome 2.4, gtk+ 2.2.4 and
metacity 2.6.3.  There seems to be a very annoying issue with the
address match dropdown when typing into the (for example) To: field when
composing a message.  It doesn't seem to happen every time, but it's
often enough be very annoying.

In evolution, I click New on the menubar to compose a new message.  A
new composition window comes up and has input focus due to metacity's
(PITA if you ask me) policy that new windows always get focus.  This is
fine so far.

I start typing into the To: field and after 3 characters I get a list of
matching addresses in a dropdown box.

The problem is that about half the time, as the dropdown box appears,
the compose window loses input focus and I am unable to give focus to
any other window, presumably because while the dropdown box is active,
focus cannot be assigned anywhere else.

I am now left with no windows in focus and no way to focus any windows
and since the compose window is among the "no windows in focus" I cannot
continue typing or choose an address list from the dropdown.  I have to
either go to another machine and log in remotely (or change to another
VT) and kill evolution.

Is this an evolution bug (not likely) a gtk+ bug or a metacity bug?

 Norman Joseph, Systems Engineer           joseph ctcgsc org      IC|XC
 Concurrent Technologies Corporation         814/269.2633         --+--
 Global Systems Center                                            NI|KA

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