Re: [Evolution] Shared folders

On Wed, 2004-03-10 at 08:39 -0400, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:

On Wed, 2004-03-10 at 02:34, not zed wrote:
You could try:

 - setting up a maildir store with the right group and setgid
 - setting unask appropriately for the users (i.e. 02 rather than 022)

the same should work for mailbox files, but you have to link the parent
directory, not the file itself.  but maildir should make it easier.

or use an imap server (probably a better approach).

Does Evo support shared IMAP folders (e.g. on Cyrus)? For
some reason I thought it didn't. Maybe I'm confused.

You can only use one namespace at a time.  So in normal usage, you
can't.  But if thats all you've setup, or you have a special account for
it, it should be possible, at least to read stuff.

And - things like messages being read etc will conflict.  But they'll
conflict for anything except news.

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