Re: [Evolution] Shared folders

You could try:

 - setting up a maildir store with the right group and setgid
 - setting unask appropriately for the users (i.e. 02 rather than 022)

the same should work for mailbox files, but you have to link the parent
directory, not the file itself.  but maildir should make it easier.

or use an imap server (probably a better approach).

or better, a news server would really be the way to go here.

On Wed, 2004-03-10 at 07:49, gomi no sempai wrote:
Hi all,

I can't seam to find the info anywhere, about how to allow multiple users to 
share the same eMail folders.  I'd like a group of users to share email, 
calendar, in short the features of Evolution, but I'm havign real problems 
setting it up.

I've tried links (ln -s), but every time evolution access a file it changes 
the owner & permissions.

Can anyone offer some advise?


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