RE: [Evolution] Mail reading question

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Lambart [mailto:ximian nomeaning net]
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 9:04 AM
To: evolution lists ximian com
Subject: Re: [Evolution] Mail reading question

On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 21:56, Des Dougan wrote:
I´m in the process of migrating from W2K to Linux (RH9 and 
KDE 3.1 in my 
case), and have been trying out Evolution. Now, I dislike 
the ¨preview 
pane¨ mode of reading email, preferring to read it in a 
separate window. 
However, I can´t find any way of moving to the next message 
in this mode 
(Mozilla, for example, has a ¨Next¨ toolbar button, and the 
¨N¨ key also 
moves through the unread messages).

Can I do the same in Evolution? If not, this seems a major 
oversight in 
the design.

No, you cannot do this currently, apparently due to some fundamental
limitations in the GUI design (?).  They are planning to have this 
working in Evolution 2.0 (among many other changes).  Meanwhile, it's
Preview Pane or you're out of luck... if you just want to go from one
message to the next or previous one in the list.

But... it seems that selecting next UNREAD/previous UNREAD works from
the separate-message window.  That function is currently mapped to the
"." (next) and "," (previous) keys and maybe a couple of other

On Mine Evo 1.4.5 It's mapped as "[" and "]" keys by default. Not
too bad. However, I would _really_ like to have a keyboard shortcut 
for going to Next Message (regardless of read/unread status).

YOu know.. like going through the flow of messages to gain context
after a new message pops up in that thread.

There's a mouse shortcut key for that on the window pane but 
if there's a keyboard alternative, That would be even better.

alternatives.  Those keys are easily customizable if you want to hack
the right files.  I like to use N and P, myself.  But if you're just
getting into linux you might not be up for that just yet =)

I found it interesting to note (just now) that viewing unread messages
in the separate window does not mark them as read (though
double-clicking an unread msg to initially OPEN the window does mark
them as unread).  While you're reading them in the window, you can use
Ctrl-K to mark them as read.

I think we can expect lots of things to work better in Evolution 2.x. 
But meanwhile, most things work great and welcome to linux.  When I
switched to linux I couldn't find a decent gui mail program 

When's Evo 2.0 slated for release?

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