Re: [Evolution] Spellchecker badly needed

On Sat, 2004-01-24 at 03:06, Marlaina Barr wrote:
I just upgraded from RH 7.2 to 9, and added evolution 1.2.2-4. Can't get
the spellchecker to work. It seems to be allowing me to enable it for
English but it does not work at all  Does not underline or make red
misspelled words and edit->check spelling gives me a pop-up that there
are no errors with certain misspellings.

I am using evo 1.4.5, so I'm not sure if the menus are the same, but in
this version, the dialog for those settings is under Tools > Settings >
Composer Settings > Spell Checking. Your dictionaries should be seen in
the list on that page, and each should have a checkbox next to it that
will enable that dictionary. Also, in 1.4.5, there is a checkbox to
enable the option of checking while you type.

Hopefully, the options will be similar in version 1.2.2.

-Bob James
Pentar InfoSystems    KeyID: FEBEC3DB

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