Re: [Evolution] Re: NNTP support in evolution-1.5.x

On Sat, 2004-02-07 at 08:39 -0800, Dan Berger wrote:
recompiling with nntp enabled helped.

You can then subscribe to news groups using the Tools->Subscribe to
Folders menu option.
I tried this with two different servers but evo crashes every time it
tries to download the group list. Sometimes it comes to the point where
it asks for the password (one of the servers has a login) but then it
crashes also.

From my limited experimentation it seems a serviceable news reader,
though not as good at certain tasks (like harvesting binaries, for
instance) as a specialized app like Pan.
I'd like to use it just for text postings anyway

Oh - and one thing that I found annoying is that all your subscribed
news groups become part of the "Active Remote Folders" target in
defining vfolders - which means if you use IMAP and have a vfolder
defined to search all your IMAP folders (as I do) - it suddenly tries
to search all the news groups as well.  (Filed an RFE in ximian's
bugzilla on this.)

this might affect me too. We'll see once I get nntp working ...

Hope that helps.

Jens Ansorg <liste ja-web de>

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