Re: [Evolution] Threading by subject questions (still!)

On Tue, 2004-02-03 at 16:21 -0500, Pierre Bilodeau wrote:
1) Will enabling the thread_subject feature disable the more reliable
threading by reference?  I hope not!  I see the threading by subject be
active as a failback method, not a replacement.

No, but it doesn't always work as expected, like if somebody changes the
subject line, includes references, then somebody responds to that
without using in-reply-to or references, it will start a new thread.

2) Since I don't seem to have the expected config file, where should I

run gconf-editor.  There is a key in apps->evolution->mail->display.
turn thread_subject on.

3) Do you eventually plan on adding a feature by which a message matched
by subject could be unmatched, and possibly matched to a separate
message (even with a different subject)?

How would you do this?  Do you mean some sort of user intervention would
be required?  This seems heinous.  MUA's should start following the
RFC's making this whole issue moot.


The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and
to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting.
                                 -- T.H. White

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