[Evolution] [CVS] - autogen error EVOLUTION_1_4_6


I have to rebuild evolution from sources because of bad dependencies in
dev debian sid packages but i have an error.

I have automake (GNU automake) 1.7.9
The value of $ACLOCAL is null in 

PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/evolution-data-server/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH ./autogen.sh 
--prefix=/opt/evolution --with-openldap=yes

checking for autoconf >= 2.53...
  testing autoconf2.50... not found.
  testing autoconf... found 2.59
checking for automake >= 1.4...
  testing automake-1.4... not found.
***Error***: You must have automake >= 1.4 installed
  to build Evolution.  Download the appropriate package for
  from your distribution or get the source tarball at

checking for libtool >= 1.5...
  testing libtoolize... found 1.5.6
checking for glib-gettext >= 2.2.0...
  testing glib-gettextize... found 2.4.5
checking for intltool >= 0.27.2...
  testing intltoolize... found 0.31.1
checking for pkg-config >= 0.14.0...
  testing pkg-config... found 0.15.0
/usr/share/aclocal/gnome2-macros/autogen.sh: line 142: --print-ac-dir:
command not found
Checking for required M4 macros...
  libtool.m4 not found
  glib-gettext.m4 not found
  intltool.m4 not found
  pkg.m4 not found
Checking for forbidden M4 macros...
***Error***: some autoconf macros required to build Evolution
  were not found in your aclocal path, or some forbidden
  macros were found.  Perhaps you need to adjust your

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------------------------------------------ Linux k 2.6.6 debian sid -----

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