Re: [Evolution] Evolution 1.5/2.0 and Spamassassin

> Then in evolution, don't use junk filtering but use a manual
> header-check filter for the spam status header to set the junk status
> on the message; or just move the spam to a special folder.

Have the filter options been upgraded to reflect an action "set junk"?
That was *exactly* what I was hoping for. I take it that the Junk folder
is really a vFolder but that unlike the Trash folder messages marked as
junk are always hidden. That sounds exactly like what I was hoping for.
At the risk of repeating myself, you guys rock.
Yeah there's a "set status" "junk" option.
> The 'mark junk' buttons etc will still operate even with junk
> filtering stuff turned off, and run the learning stuff to tune things.

Even better. With Doom 3 still not in the shops here in the UK and Evo
2.0 so near and yet so not actually here I'm in danger of dropping dead
from the anticipation before I see either!
I'm sure you'll get over it :)

Michael Zucchi <notzed ximian com>
"born to die, live to work, it's all downhill from here"
Novell's Evolution and Free Software Developer

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