Re: [Evolution] Default change in 1.5?

>Course I'm a lot younger than you, I'm only 16 (birthday was on the 29th

Things become a lot clearer now...

Tony Earnshaw <tonye billy demon nl>
Sent by: evolution-admin lists ximian com

04/01/2004 09:16 AM

Evolution Mailing List <evolution lists ximian com>
Re: [Evolution] Default change in 1.5?

tor, 01.04.2004 kl. 18.09 skrev Brad Warkentin:

> [Warning: vague, ramble down memory lane]
> Think back, way back... to the days of ASCII email (ahhhh) and text
> everything (when there really was a reason to live inside of Emacs to
> get a windowing system on a VAX).... It was fairly common practise to
> direct email cc folks you were replying to as it often got there way
> faster than via the mailing list (back in the days of modem connections
> on the "backbone"). Plus you might want to start a side discussion with
> the person. Of course, it was also standard practise to indicate that
> you had via a [replied to list and cc'ed] disclaimer at the top of your
> reply.

Course I'm a lot younger than you, I'm only 16 (birthday was on the 29th
last) and don't remember none of that Vax e-mail stuff. My first
computer was a Tandy TRS-80 Model I. But anyone sending e-mail into my
inbox is doing that to me, private-like. Like coming into my home. I
don't do forcing and entering and don't expect it from others. If others
do that last, I don't take kindly to it, I give 'em the old heave-ho. I
respect all them as uses my front door knocker, not them what bursts
through the back one. P'ed off isn't the word.


1: Someone who signs himself Brad and uses cheers *must* come from the
2: "G", please take note of the above object lesson in the use of the
South-Eastern English language.


mail: billy - at -

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

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