[Evolution] LDAP Contact Name Formating Issue


I've got Evolution doing proper LDAP looks against our LDAP server
except for one problem.  Our LDAP system uses a USER ID as the cn, i.e.
cn=I0112233.  So browsing the LDAP contacts under "Other Contacts" or
trying to send an email to someone looked up via LDAP results in the
name being I0112233 etc.  Here's a sample from the Contact Listings:

        Name:           I0112233
        Email:          johndoe company com
        Business:       xxx/xxx-xxxx            //Phone Number
        Dept:           IT
        Title:          Sys. Admin

Now, names are sorted properly, i.e. 'D' names all show up when I click
on the letter D on the right side of Evolution so the first name and
last information is there.  Browsing the LDAP server with GQ shows me
that this is true:
        fullName=Doe, John
        mail=johndoe company com

My question is this:  Is it possible to get Evolution to fill in the
Persons name instead of I0112233 in under both "Other Contacts" and when
doing a lookup when trying to address an email?  The information there
it's just not getting presented properly.

Here are my vitals:     SuSE 8.2/Evolution 1.4

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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