Re: [Evolution] linking Evolution and mozilla's calendars


Many thanks for the idea. It prompted me to do more rigorous tests and I 
noted two things :

- The ics file created by mozilla will not be read 

- Taking the BEGIN:VCALENDAR section from Evo will not change a thing

So what is wrong here. Both calendars are claiming to support open 
standards !

I could live with Evol alone if I could find a way to export my calendar 
as HTML pages from it.

        Best regards


On Sat, 6 Sep 2003, Ted Anderson wrote:

I'm not sure if this applies to your ics file, but the Evolution ics
file has a slightly different format than most. In the TZID field, where
most programs would have "Europe/Madrid" Evo has
"/" When importing ics
files from iCalshare, for example, I had to manually edit the TZID
entries in the ics file or no appointments showed up in the calendar.


On Sat, 2003-09-06 at 14:22, Jan Polcher wrote:

I thought that the local/Calendar/calendar.ics of evolution and the 
.mozilla/.../Calendar/CalendarDataFile.ics had the same format. Thus it 
would be logical to make a symbolic link between both so that both 
software see the same calendar.

Well, that does not work ! Once the link exists the first thing 
evolution does is to replace it by a file :-( Even when I copied the file 
from Mozilla over I do not get the calendar I filled out under mozilla.

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