Re: [Evolution] death by "too many open files"?/emacs key bindings?

On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 15:27, Thomas Spuhler wrote:
I am still using the original MDK 9.1 evolution (1.2.4). I am connected
to a Samba server. I have never been able to run the evo mbox files on
the Samba Server. I am actually running an archive (large file, mbox,
230MB). I have never been able to archive to the samba server after the
file reached a certain size. I am storing the file on the local machine
and then copy it over to the samba server in order to get backed up
during the nightly samba backup.
May be this problem has a different cause.

So does your Linux MDK 9.1 client keep files on the Samba server via SMB
and not NFS?

I'm using NFS, on RH7.3. Evo 1.4.4 has all my old mail (~1.3GB) in
maildir format (somewhere I read that it was more efficient than mbox
and more reliable than the MH format I'd been using for a long time).

They're called "Local Folders", but they're really sitting on a remote

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