Re: [Evolution] "group by this field" option

On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 17:14, Wagga Wagga wrote:
hm so there is little hope in seeing this feature again in the near future?!
is there an other way of organizing my inbox apporpriately? i've got some 30
mails in my inbox and i'm not able to disply them on one screen anymore,
that doesn't give a good overview? how do you handle this?

How about using Virtual Folders? You can define several for
the categories of messages you want (and not just from the
Inbox). Of course you're not going to see all messages in
all the categories at once but do you really want that?

For example I have regular exchanges with one of my colleagues on
various work-related issues and have defined a VF to show all
messages from him and all replies from me (selected from the Sent
folder). It's really useful to be able to follow both sides
of an extended conversation in this way. Pity it needs a little
work to set up so you're probably not going to have too many
of these. It would be nice if Evo could generate them on the fly,
or have a "show me recent messages to/from this address" button.


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