[Evolution] Bindings for custom tools

Hi All,

I am using Evolution for the last couple of years and it does almost
everything I want. The only major thing I would like it to have is a
scripting support. By scripting I mean scripting of Evolution, not
scripting inside e-mails (like outlook). 

That said, some of the things I wanted to do with scripting you can do
now with other means. For example, you can now pipe message through a
shell command for filtering and you can run external command with the

Great, but there are still couple of places customization using external
programs would be great. Here are couple of them:

1. Have a custom program icon or menu item or key binding. Example of
usage is to call fetchmail from Evolution when I want and not when
Evolution checks e-mail.

2. Open with external editor. What I would really want is a way to
integrate let say VIM to Evolution composer, but just being able to
click an icon or something and external program would open with e-mail
as argument, would be great.

3. I just noticed that since lately my e-mail load went from 10 emails
being missed by spamassasin to 30 emails. So, I add those e-mails to
blacklist in ~/.spamassasin/user_prefs. I would like to be able to click
on e-mail address in the e-mail and say: execute external program with
this e-mail.



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