[Evolution] Formatting From column in received message list


I'm using Evolution 1.2.2 as part of redhat linux 9, and was wondering
if it is at all possible to reformat the displayed From column
addresses? At present they show as (for example):

       Joe Bloggs <jbloggs somewhere com>

whereas all I really want displayed is the address comment part:

       Joe Bloggs

If no such comment exists then sure the whole address can be displayed.
I've looked in the FAQ and part of the archives but could see nothing
relevant. (Unfortunately searching the archives means going through it
month by month, and then what to look for? 'from column', 'formatting
column' or what? So it possible that I missed something.)



John Horne, University of Plymouth, UK  Tel: +44 (0)1752 233914
E-mail: John Horne plymouth ac uk       Fax: +44 (0)1752 233839

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