Re: [Evolution] syncing between home and work versions of evolution

On man, 2003-05-05 at 18:28, Bud Gibson wrote:

I have made several attempts in this regard.  My first attempt, simply
making a copy of my home evolution directory and replacing my work
evolution directory with it did not work.  I then tried importing the
task and calendar ics files directly.  That seems to have worked.

However, there seems to be no way to get my contacts to sync.  I tried
copying address.db, no go.  It also will not import.  I have looked 
through the FAQ, but no dice.  It does seem that people are doing
something to this effect, but I cannot get it to work in my context. 
For instance, one poster on hackers discusses writing to address.db

There is indeed an easy way...
I've been using multisync to sync the calendar and addressbook on my
computer at home with the one at work and it works just fine. It uses
the public apis from evolution, so it works even if evolution is running
on both machines.

You'll find multisync here:
I run the remote sync over a ssh forwarded port, which also works fine.
But is tedious to set up.


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