Re: [Evolution] Bringing up Mozilla from links embedded in email (1.2.3)


I agree with you - I shouldn't need my script.  Nevertheless, each time a change (usually, but not only Mozilla) came along, either the browser wouldn't come up unless it was already running, or it would dump me into the user profile manager if it was already running.  The gnomecc setting was always the gnome-moz-remote, but it became painful to find out ehat changed each time.  Hence, my script, exists, and has worked happily through several mozilla and evolution versions.

I never got errors (so far!), which is why error checking isn't in there.



On Fri, 2003-03-21 at 15:22, guenther wrote:
cheers Paul,

> It does seem to be an oft-raised discussion.  It seems that every time
> a release of mozilla / evolution / gnome comes along this gets broken,
> at least on my SuSE system.  I got fed up with it and wrote my own
> script to do it.  It's by no means a good example of shell scripting,
> but it seems to work...........

Nope, that works for me even with updating Mozilla and Evolution on the
running system. A new Gnome release may cause problems but is unlikely
to overwrite your personal settings.

You should not need your script, as it does what gnome-moz-remote does,
if you have it.

Maybe you wanna try my short shell script, I just posted to the list. It
uses tabs, instead of new windows.

And hey, your script isn't that bad as you stated. I too have no error
handling -- never got an error, though. ;-)


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