Re: [Evolution] Evolution 1.3.1 - cannot access the ximian evolution shell

On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 08:26, Christopher Ness wrote:
On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 08:27, Muralikrishnan B wrote:

One small issue with it ... It refused understand that gtkhtml was
installed in the same path as evolution 1.3.1. Kept looking at some
other path & telling me that it cant find gnome-gtkhtml-editor-3.0
even though it is complied & installed (custom path is there in $PATH)
when I try to open a compose window.

Had to symlink gnome-gtkhtml-editor-3.0 in /opt/gnome_cvs/bin/ to
/usr/bin for that to work.

Are you aware the *nix (Unix, Linux... whatever) reads your $PATH
environment variable in order from left to right and search for a
program in that?


Your box will look in /bin before /usr/bin and finally /usr/local/bin
before saying it can't find a file.  

If a file is found in /bin it won't look in /usr/bin for the file
because it found it and would be crazy to continue looking in the other

I'm pretty sure that the OP is in the same boat as I am on this one.
Doing a "which gnome-gtkhtml-3.0" returns "/opt/bin/gnome-gtkhtml-3.0".
Checking /bin, /usr/bin, and /usr/local/bin, there are no copies of
gnome-gtkhtml-3.0 lying around. But it still doesn't work. Creating a
symlink from /opt/bin/gnome-gtkhtml-3.0 to /usr/bin/gnome-gtkhtml-3.0
works however. I'd almost venture to say that the path is hardcoded in.
Though I certainly hope that the developers wouldn't do something that
silly. :)

Alex Malinovich
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