Re: [Evolution] Hello Ximian? Where is Evo 1.3.1?

Gregory Leblanc wrote:
So, I take it that you're entirely opposed to thinking, huh?

Not at all - just seeking confirmation.

Looking at
the website, it's pretty clear that the new preview release of Evolution
-requires- GNOME 2.  That is, it's based on the GNOME 2 technologies and
libraries.  Given that Ximian doesn't have a GNOME 2 desktop product
released, I would be very surprised if there were packages for any
distribution that doesn't ship with GNOME 2.  If you're not yet running
GNOME 2, then you are at least 8 months out of date.  I'd be
disappointed if Ximian wasted time trying to shoehorn GNOME 2.0 onto old
distributions just for the sake of having Evolution snapshots.

I have no problem with them deciding to only support newer distros that include GNOME 2.0. I was (a) asking for confirmation of that, and (b) nudging them to provide better release notes! If you, or anyone else, read my previous email as some kind of flame then I apologise. It certainly wasn't intended to be one. I do think it's relatively easy to keep people in the loop as to what is going on, and that it's important for Ximian to keep users apprised of what's going on. I don't pay for Ximian GNOME, Red Carpet or Evolution, and if Ximian decide to stop supporting whatever distro I'm using I would *never* dream of ranting and raving about it. I just think it would be nice to be told what's happening. In return I file bug reports and try to be helpful when I can on the mailing lists.

I use my machine for work every single day - and I don't upgrade my OS as often as many do for that very reason. If I run into problems upgrading its OS I'm potentially losing an entire day or two of work. So, excuse me for using a distro that is "potentially 8 months out of date"!

Lastly, do you really think it necessary to say things like "So, I take it that you're entirely opposed to thinking, huh?" to people you don't know, have never met, and who weren't in any way rude or impolite in the first place?

Best, Darren

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