[Evolution] help with IMAP

I'm a reasonbly experienced programmer and I've read all the FAQs and
information I could find on the Web, but I can't get Evolution to work
with IMAP.

I can access my mail using IMAP with "pine" (a mail reader from the
University of Washington).  The "fetchmail" command also works with
IMAP.  But I can't get Evolution to work.  I specified the server
(po.sandcraft.com) and my user name (veenstra) and when it asks for
my password, I type that in.  But Evolution does not read the mail.

As it happens, I can also access my mail file directly over NFS because
the filesystem that the mail is written to (on the mail server) can be
automounted onto my machine.  I can get Evolution to read my mail
by specifying "Local delivery" and giving the pathname to the mail
file.  But for my own reasons I would like to use IMAP and I can't get
that to work.

I've read the FAQ that says to exit evolution and run "killev" after
changing the settings.  I did that and it still does not work.

How do I debug what is going on?

Jack Veenstra <veenstra sandcraft com>

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