Re: Reply (was: Re: [Evolution] "Read next unread message' keybinding DOES NOT WORK)

Am Son, 2003-06-29 um 17.39 schrieb guenther: 

Even more unfortunately, in my opinion, there is no hot key for "Reply
to List."  If anyone knows how to map, say, CONTROL-L to "Reply to List"
I'd be extremely grateful.

For Evolution *1.4* that is: edit (as root) the file

and set the empty accel value for MessageReplyList:
 <cmd name="MessageReplyList"
  _tip="Compose a reply to the mailing list of the selected message"

I don't remember the path for your 1.2.x version, but IIRC it is in
/usr/share/gnome/ui and the syntax should be the same. Make sure, there
is no other action bound to Ctrl-L.

It's /opt/gnome/share/gnome/ui/evolution-mail-message.xml on my box.

Where are the key names (such as "period") documented?
How do I define the "n" key for MailNextUnread?

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