Re: [Evolution] evolution taking 5+ minutes to shut down

 - the CAMEL_VERBOSE_DEBUG=1 log as suggested by Ettore (run
"CAMEL_VERBISE_DEBUG=1 evolution-1.3" in a terminal)

I will henceforth run evo this way.  =:)  I'll also log everything to a
file so that if it does happen, hopefully something useful will show up.

BTW if you upgrade to 1.4, the name you run is 'evolution'

 - run evolution-1.3 in gdb.  Do some stuff, and quit so that things
start going haywire.  ctrl-c in gdb (if you can't ... that could be a
problem, try running it from a virtual console perhaps), and run 'thread
apply all bt' - this will show what code is running.

well, again, when this happens, I can't do squat.  Even though I start
evolution with "nice evolution", I can't even switch to a VC until evo's
done with its thing.  

Hmm, ok, that kinda sucks.

However, what you said makes perfect sense.  Like I said, my hard drive
goes absolutely bonkers when this happens, and from what I've seen in
the past (when copying large files/moving files/removing files, etc.)
with XFS, it seems that XFS takes up massive amounts of CPU to do
massive amounts of disk work--to the point that the system becomes
unusable until it's done.  Now, this was a while ago and I'm hoping that
XFS 1.2 has improved, but it just seems like this could be pointing to
XFS in some way (as a side-result of some fonky evo behavior).

Now, there's a couple of things that I can think of, given the above,
that might lend itself to this lock-up.  I normally don't "auto-expunge
trash on exit" with my $HOME/Maildir, which means, that I may have more
than several hundred entries in that vfolder at any given point in
time.  It would seem that this might be problematic.  What do you think?

Naah shouldn't be.  vFolders are just in-memory dynamic queries, nothing
gets saved to disk.  The main things that get saved to disk are the
summary files - but these should be relatively small (compared to the
size of the mailbox).  Although if you have a lot of folders, it could
write a lot of these out.

Also, I currently have bogofilter/procmail sending spam into a
$HOME/Maildir/Spam Maildir, and though evolution doesn't see this
automatically get updated when procmail puts mail there (while evo is
running), I'm wondering if it realizes that there's a whole bunch of
mail there since last time it looked (when it's going to shut down) and
tries to deal with them there?  Like maybe it's updating the default,
un-deletable "Unmatched" VFolder, since the Spam Maildir is inside the
top-level Maildir that evo knows about?

Hmm, yeah, i think it would probably re-sync at this time, and discover
the new messages.  Again if you have a lot, it could be a problem - but
5 minutes seems very excessive.

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