Re: [Evolution] Busy Search

On Thu, 2003-06-05 at 20:18, Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper wrote:
I've just got to ask....  Does anyone actually have this working??? 
This has been discussed on this list several times recently, and
everytime someone replies with "yeah, evo can do that...".

I'm running evo 1.2.4-1.1 (debian sid), and have tried to get evolution
to use F/B URL's for the last few months.  You can see the result of one
of a discussion on the list (ending with a post by Ettore) here: lists ximian com/msg01091.html

I guess I'm asking anyone to dispute the following statements:

- jIcal works wonderfully.   (I doubt I'll get any argument on this one)

- evolution can't actually use F/B URL's (I would LOVE to be proved
wrong on this one)

there was a bug that prevented correct reading of remote files in some
circumstances. I think that was included in 1.2.4, but I'm not sure. It
definitely works on 1.4.x.


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