[Evolution] Loose configuration settings

I am having a little issue with Evo on my home machine (RH 8.0). I tried looking for answers in the mailing list and on the website with no luck. So I'm hoping that one of you can help, or at least point me in the right direction.

It seems that sometimes when I exit Evo and then start it back up again it has reverted back to some old settings. When I first upgraded to 1.4 I noticed that it wouldn't save the size and location of the splitters in Calendar. When I thought it was just limited to that I figured I could ignore it and hope it would go away with a new release. However, now it spread to the entire application. I don't even know what settings it is reverting to. Could it be the settings I had before upgrading to 1.4?

I know using "Settings" can get kind of vague. So I will try to explaing what I mean. One example is the security settings. I recently started signing my emails. So I entered the identity in the box provided and checked a few options. Send a few emails and they are all signed. Close and restart Evo once, twice, three times all is well. Close and restart Evo the fourth time and my security information is gone. Same type of thing with the mail account names. I renamed my mail accounts to something a little more personable. Same thing. When it does loose the settings it seems to always go back to the same thing. I can't really tell is this is the default or if it's some previous setup I had some time ago. I'd like to be able to make some changes to the configuration of Evo without worrying if they are going to be there the next time I restart.

I've seen a few messages with some ideas. But I don't want to go pecking around in the configuration without some guidence from the experts.

Thanks for your help,

Mike Dougherty
Software Engineer - Java
MikeD san rr com

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