Re: [Evolution] search through all subfolders

The only way currently is to use a vfolder, in the 'source' area, just
select 'all local and remote folders' (if thats what you want), you
don't need to add specific folders manually.

Unfortunately its a pretty expensive task (memory wise).  We've had a
bug open/intention to do it some other way for ages, but nobody ever got
to it.

On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 23:13, Wouter van Marle wrote:
Dear All,

One of the functions I miss very much in Evolution is a global search
function. You can only search through e-mail within a specific folder.
Now I keep my e-mail in a few dozen folders, sorted out per region and
then per company I am talking to. Now the problem is I remember I have
received an offer of some material, but do not remember which company.
This makes it really really hard to find that mail again!

Any way to search through all (or a group of) folders, just like
Outlook can do?

Wouter van Marle <wouter squirrel-systems com>
Squirrel Systems HK

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