Re: [Evolution] How to change the place where evolution stores mail and configs?

The Unix method would be to create a dir where you want to have your evolution stuff on the local machine, and then create a symlink ~/evolution to that dir. Remember to copy the content of the current ~/evolution dir to the new dir prior to removing ~/evolution and putting a symlink in place.


On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 21:33, Denis O. Mikhalkin wrote:

currently Evolution(1.4.3) stores my mail and configs in my home
directory, in ~/evolution folder.  The problem is that my home is on
network, it is slow, and sometimes I even get "out of space" messages
since it is on the disk shared with other people. Therefore I wanted to
make evolution use some special local folder on my machine which has
enough space and is very fast. How can I do it?


evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com
Wouter van Marle <wouter squirrel-systems com>
Squirrel Systems HK

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