Re: [Evolution-hackers] Re: [Evolution] Evolution 2.0 UI proposal

On Fri, 2003-07-11 at 01:42, Ettore Perazzoli wrote:

      * In the calendar/contacts screenshots, I see a "Filter by
        Category" list.  Will that also be available on the in the mail

That would be nice, yeah.  It's a pretty commonly requested feature, and
I assume is easy to implement in the mailer?

the filter by category in the calendar/tasks folders might be redundant,
since we already have the 'search by category' in the search bar.

Also, note that for tasks and calendars, instead of colors, we will be
using icons, as we already do for categories. The colors will be
reserved to identify to which calendar the event/task belongs to.

Because of this, we should maybe add a color identification to each
calendar folder on the navbar, so that colored events in the calendar
are easily identified with the calendar they belong to.


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