Re: [Evolution] How to connect to RSS feeds?

When I added my blog, I copied the link for the XML
( and pasted it in as the URL
for add news feed. The lockergnome site seems to be windows-specific,
and I can't find anything that looks like an actual RSS link in the code
that pops up.  Sorry I can't be of more help. Maybe someone who knows
more about this can tell us how to use the lockergnome feed with evo.


On Wed, 2003-07-09 at 12:49, Leon Adato wrote:
That makes sense, but the details are still fuzzy. In the windoze
world, you can go to a web page, click the "XML" button, and get a
subscription into your email client (or RSS aggregator). But under
Konquerer, Galeon, etc I just see the XML code itself.

*what* information do you put into the "Add news feed" screen (it's
just a name and a URL, but what URL?) exactly.

I tried one (, look for
the XML link at the top right corner), but obviously I did it wrong.


On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 21:55, Ted Anderson wrote: 
I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for because I'm still
learning about RSS, but in Tools, Settings, Summary Preferences, click
on the newsfeed tab and then press the New button. I just used it to add
my Movable Type blog and it came up right away in the summary!

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