Re: [Evolution] Strange Time Problem

At 08:52 PM 1/26/2003 +0100, you wrote:

> > Somehow, misconfigured would not surprise me. Since installing Mandrake
> > 9.0, I have not been able to compile the majority of the programs I used
> > to use - and this one is no different. When I attempted to compile it, I
> > got an error message of
> > "undefined reference to '_dl_debug_mask GLIBC 2 2 3'" and
> > "undefined reference to '_dl_debug_printf GLIBC 2 2 3'"
> > (I suppose that's because I have glibc-2.2.5 installed, rather than
> > 2.2.3.)
> Don't blame Mandrake.  I have a default installed mandrake-system.
> Installed on my laptop without any hassles whatsoever.

No problem here either -- have tested it on 2 different machined, both
Mandrake 9.0.
I also tested this proggie on RedHat 7.3 and it worked fine. However, it 
also displayed the same 1000 CST as my other boxes although I'm actually 
GMT +9:30 (Alice Springs, Australia w/Darwin selection for proper daylight 
saving (none)). This is happening on ALL my Linux (RedHat 7.3 and Mandrake 
9.0) systems as well as WinRoute Pro and Kerio Mail Server under Windows 
2K. Are time zones broken on all of these systems?

Bill Yohman                                    Det 421
System Designer                             APO, AP  96548
Design Associates
wyohman designsco com

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