Re: [Evolution] Wishing for redirect

Well as far as Evo goes I dont know of a way to do that. But to tie you 
over until there is a way to do it with Evo, you can do this with your 
Email server if its a unix server with a .forward file.

In your user directory create a file called .forward and then put entries 
like this in it:

jane mycompany com
john theothercompany com

This would send an email with original headers and all to these 3 people. 
Jill would be the local jill account on the email machine while the other 
2 addresses are external addresses.

 On 25 Jan 2003, Micke Larsson wrote:

My only wish right now is to get a feature that I have only seen in
Eudora and that is to redirect a mail.

I'm am the postmaster at work and receives mail to a general address
that I redirect to different people. If I use forwarding it changes the
sender in the mail-header to my address, to avoid that I have to copy
and paste the senders address to the respond-field and it's a little

So please have it in mind in future releases and I will switch
permanently to Evolution, it's a great application!!


Michael Larsson

evolution maillist  -  evolution lists ximian com

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